Friday, January 8, 2010


After a fairly sleepless night, I fell asleep shortly before my alarm clock went off. Prior to this, I was bouncing around an idea to make a little film about my medicines and that thought was bouncing in my brain as I slipped into this dream. It could have only lasted a minute or two, but in that way dreams do, it seemed to last an age.

A man with a floppy mop of brilliant white hair is sitting in front of myself and a small audience (no more than a dozen people), an electronic piano keyboard in front of him. He is dressed all in black and has what seems to be a very ancient cell phone strapped on his waist band.

He is playing the piano, eyes closed, and singing the most beautiful song. The room sits in revered silence whilst he plays. Once he finishes, everyone is too stunned to break into applause - it would be a crude racket following that beautiful music. Instead, a gentle murmur of appreciation bubbles around the room and the man looks up from his keyboard, opens his eyes and smiles at us. His eyes are piercing, brilliant blue.

He begins speaking, about himself and his music and why he does it. He holds up one of his CDs and laughs as he tosses it aside saying that isn't why he makes music. It's not for fame, or money. He does it for the simple act of creating. He has no interest in the material trappings that tag along with his life, just in the purity of creating.

Another hushed babble of whispers passes around the room and I lean forward slightly wishing to ask him questions, so many questions. He fixes me with those eyes, smiles and I go to speak but can't and with a wave of frustration (or perhaps panic?) I feel the folds of sleep falling away from me and my last vision before I wake is of him, smiling at me.

It was an interesting one this, and whilst I'm probably the least spiritual person on the planet, someone (most likely myself) was giving me a message in this. It was a message to get 'creating' just for the sake of doing it. It's a good thing to do!

Oh and if you want to know what his eyes looked like, I've been listening to a lot of Nirvana again coming over a bit sombre for poor Kurt Cobain. I spent most of my mid to late teens hung up on their music and sported Kurt's haircut for that time. In their Unplugged show, where he sings 'Where did you sleep last night?' -THAT- look... as he screams out the last line and in that moment, pauses and opens his beautiful blue eyes... those were the eyes the pianist had, only his eyes had hope and happiness in them. Kurt's didn't, and every time I hear that song, it makes me sad I'll never hear him sing it.

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