Sunday, February 21, 2010

Lake by Kettle

We are in a woodland, standing in a small car park surrounded by trees and overlooking a dusty area of dried earth. About 50 metres away, there is a small road. A number of people, some of whom are recognisable from TV shows, are enthralled in murmured conversation staring out onto the area of dried earth.

It seems they are here for a very specific reason and without any sign or signal, the all produce from their overcoats, shiny silver metal kettles, which are steaming away quite happily as they boil. The fact they aren't plugged into any discernible source of power, and yet are still boiling, is a little confusing, but this is largely ignored as, kettles in hand, they hop down through the trees into the open area.

Once down there, they disperse out and begin up-ending their kettles letting the boiling water pour out onto the ground. They then begin to repeat this process, hoping up and down from the car park, up-ending their kettles as they boil.

It becomes apparent that the water is starting to pool into the low lying regions and in a fit of clarity, the open area is in fact a lake bed; a lake bed that is now being refilled by kettles. This is a necessary act as for some unknown reason, the lake has mysteriously emptied and no-one is quite sure why. They are also not sure if this will happen again, but it is hoped the gestures of TV celebrities will help fend off the lake's own private drought.

Suddenly the lake is full and large, brown fish can be seen swimming below its surface. I am walking around the car park throwing handfuls of biscuits into the water for the fish to feed on. I'm intending to go fishing for them, but can't remember how to tie on a fishing hook. Instead, I just throw in some more biscuits and sit and watch them.

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