Thursday, February 11, 2010

Pharmacy Phantom

I am in what appears to be a hotel complex, when I bump into a Swedish friend. We're quite surprised to see each other and decide that we should go get lunch together and catch up.

This is easier said than done, as the hotel is very crowded and getting something to eat is quite difficult. We do eventually manage to get some sandwiches and head for a table near a window to sit down, eat and chat away. The 'eating' part proves somewhat difficult as the sandwiches are somehow escaping from our plates; you look away for a moment and they're gone!

Deciding not to worry about that too much we chatter on. She is very interested in aeroplanes and wants to know if I can fly? I say I can't but my Dad owns a glider and we should be able to go for a few flights at his flying club. We also decide that it would be very nice to go to a museum and have a look at some vintage planes too. There should be an airshow of them coming up soon, so we decide we will go and see that.

Our conversation then comes to an abrupt end as we are consumed by a crowd anxious to peer out of the window at the house owned by the parents of a very rich girl. It is a large, complicated, rust coloured monstrosity that, whilst certainly roomy and expensive, hardly looks very homely. Getting sick of the crowds, we decide to leave.

We head to a supermarket as I have something of a cough developing and want to get some medicine for it. We head to the back of the store where the pharmacy is only to find the pharmacist lady sat behind a small, school desk in the aisle and not behind the counter. I ask her why this is and she replies, 'Something doesn't want me in there!'

Naturally perplexed as to what is happening, she explains that they have had strange occurances for a while in the pharmacy, most noticably a rain of fish (small neon-tetras) and disturbances to the plastic bags. I explain that I would like some cough medicine and she points it out on the shelf to the left hand side of the counter, but tells me she won't set foot in there and I have to go and get it myself.

Somewhat apprehensively, I walk behind the counter to collect my medicine. I can hear someone, or something, grumbling at me, but I return without incident to pay the lady still sat behind her small, school desk. I ask her what she intends to do and she tells me she is waiting for management to arrange an exorcist to come and cleanse the counter. It is apparently taking a while as there are a number of tedious forms to fill out, before the exorcist can be booked.

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